This is the man whom I met in 2007 on 29th September. It was on my sister's engagement day. He was late on that day. So, 29092007 was the first time that we saw each other. By that time, frankly speaking, we didn't know each other names and smiles were our first greeting. The meeting was a one-off only. Right after my sister's engagement, I heard a lot about this guy. Styles, jokes, and kindness just to name a few. It was not me who wanted to know about him purposely, just that I always be somewhere with the people who talked or mentioned his name. I laughed a lot when people quoted his jokes. He is a natural joker. He looks serious, but actually he is a great joker who is able to make I laugh with tears rolling down my reddish cheeks.

Months towards the end of 2007 were more to an experience knowing him. Sometime we talked to each other via my sister's hp because he phoned to my bro-in-law. I didn't know why must we chipped in through others' phone number. I still remember when he asked about meals and I asked him to belanja me with 2 plates of kolomee heheheee....It was Morris and Lenny's wedding day at Batu 9 longhouse. I attended the wedding with my parents as Lenny is my mum's cousin sister-in-law. He was there too, but it was nothing to do with me. I didn't care of his presence at all. When he sang a karaoke song, my bro-in-law and the fiancee told me that he was singing there. Why must people tell me about him when he has nothing to do with my life. Don't you feel funny when people keep on reminding you about someone? Next occasion in Batu 9 that i ever attended was Maria and Romeo's wedding day. I met him again but we didn't talk at all. As usual, smiles were the only greeting that we could give to each other. He offered his help to accompany us to have our dinner as we arrived after the dinner time. By this time, I could feel something weird or something fishy. Benjamin (bro-in-law) is somehow a teaser too even though he is a bit serious. I would never forget when Ben said "Nya Mok, nya cikgu deh. Bejaku aaarrr...lagi nanya ari telepon aku aja dk ila" (Mok, that is the teacher. Go and talk to her. Otherwise you will keep on asking me about her via my phone later). Oh my God...what a statement! I was shy at all because there were other people with us that time. I didn't dare to look at him. I could feel he was shy too, so he walked to the kitchen. Cover malu kot hhehee...My mum asked about it actually that night, just that I pretended to ignore her doubt.. However, I didn't feel irritated at all. Why? I don't know. Next encounter was while we had our minum-minum occasion at ruai. There were a group of 'squids' attending the wedding ceremony - they were the bride's friends. I didn't know what had triggered my shyness. I was next to him and challenged him to dance with the 'squids'.That was not brave of me but I did it!!!! Idiot! But gossip about us had already on air before that. Yet, it didn't bother me at all. Why? I didn't know why but I made a conclusion from the gossip maybe because both of us were too cute to be paired of hehehee. He sent me few sms-es but were not replied. I was too full with ignorance! There are reasons behind all my ignorance. It happens when you are afraid of being hurt emotionally. :) His sms-es were only answered started on 3rd January 2008 (Sunday 6.30pm)...This was the beginning of our relationship. Too sweet to be remembered. But I love to remember it.