To be exact the woman in the picture is not her. She is not yet to that figure because she has just started her exercise routine this year - January 2011. After few months of jogging and brisk walking she starts her new exercise routine - BELLY DANCING, BODY WORKOUT & AEROBIC. Now, she is no longer pampering herself with scrumptious food or setting her hairdo; she is pampering herself with all her aerobic wears, shoes, ball and barbells.
Based on her experience, she has addicted to aerobic, belly dance and body work out classes at Lina Fitness Zone everyday. No matter how tiring her school works are, no matter how exhausted her mental and physical are, no matter how tempting the bed is in the afternoon, no matter how delicious the evening tea is, she really makes her time to be in the fitness class because she feels happy and enjoy the one-hour body movements. In other words, she is addicted to it. Now, she realizes why some people can't 'un-glue' themselves to the exercise routine once they have 'glued' to it.

In the quest of being healthy, she has no exception from being tempted to FOOD. Well, you know her! Being a good cook, it is no doubt that she must have good eating skills such as try and eat every edible food. She is tempted a lot by her mum's recipe. Name it. Therefore, this is a big challenge for her and she needs to have a good self-discipline. Now, she still enjoys her food but more to small portion of it. Sometime, when she feels that she really wants it, she will eat but to bear in mind, the next day she has to burn the calorie by attending the exercise class or jog/brisk walking 7 rounds at Tasik Mas. To burn the calorie really needs perseverance. Just bear in mind that what you are doing is not only to lose weight per se, but more to have healthy and strong heart. For her, losing the extra kilos is a bonus.

The most haunted place to stand on. Look at the weight machine, it says "one person at the time". Of course she has to be alone on it because her weight has covered two persons! She started this year with triple digits - Not good at all. She did not realize that her voluptuous and scrumptious body portion had reached that 'value' as she was quite okay in her comfort zone all this while. She was 105kg. Now, what she has done really pays off. She can fit into her year 2006 baju kurung, favourite V-neck t-shirt without worrying too much of the belly and round stomach, Levis regular fit size 38 (before she has to go for lousy jeans with 40 - 42 in size). In slow, she reaches the double digits even though not ideal yet. Now, she is 99kg. It is a pride to her as she does not take any slimming pills or supplements to get rid of the stubborn fat. All she does is to strengthen her POSITIVE MIND and EXERCISE.

Some people might think that her reason to do exercise is to be like the model above. "Why not?" she says. Everyone dreams to be slim and slender like the above picture. To be frank, she does not hope to be as slim as that. Her hopes to shed out some fat and calories would be her concern. As a matter of fact, her grave concern is to have a healthy heart, not easily tired when climbing to the top floor of her school, to have pink of health everyday, good flow of respiratory system and glowing skin, fair yet not pale and not attractive. Despite all of this motivating matter, she is sometime disturbed by certain negative people who are cynical to see plus size people going for exercise. They make fun of it saying that "kurus lah kamu lepas ini", "da exercise tapi masih gemuk pun". She does not care of the negative people anymore because she is a positive person who ignores all negative words from haunting her beautiful life now. Instead of overwhelming by people's comments, she reminds herself that those people are concerned of her. Therefore, she must thank them.

She has proved that life is beautiful being around positive people. Her aims now is to live life to the fullest, enjoy every second of her life, keep the sweet moments as her precious living memory, love and to be loved by everyone in her life and strike balance in her professional development and personal life.