15 October 2010


I really love my career as a teacher. An English language teacher, to be specific. Since my secondary school time, i had always dream to become a teacher one day. Yes! I am a teacher now. I have achieved my ambition after all my effort and the hard work in the study.
Frankly speaking, I believe that dream is very vital in helping us to succeed in our life. I vouch this statement based on my experience. When i was young, i had a lot of dreams. Traveling out of Limbang, going to University (that time i didn't know which uni i would like to go), having good job with high salary, and most of all to buy all the things that i like, just to mention some of them. So, these were my dreams before. Just imagine, when i was still in my salad days, i had already learn to dream. By that time, i had already learnt about  ANGAN-ANGAN MAT JENIN too...