07 October 2010

Lord...hear my prayer

I can only visit her world without any permission from her because both of us are not registered to each other. I can only see her through some of the pictures uploaded to her world. I can only see her children are growing up handsomely and beautifully from the world that she has now. Only God knows how much I miss her after all the living memory that we had woven in our life all this while. 
     If only we can turn back the time, what would we do to make this close-knit relationship remains forever? Would everything goes smoothly as we would like it to be? Would you and I can be shoulders to each other? Only God knows the answers to my doubt...
     Dear my beloved cuzzie. I always believe that anything happened, they happen for reasons...yet sometimes i can't believe it happens to you and I and I fail to see the reasons that cause this to you and I go astray. I wish I can turn back the time so that you and I are always like before. It's a great loss to me as you are no longer in my life. Only God knows how much I miss you...
     You are always in my prayer. I have a strong faith that one day God will listen to my prayer. I pray that we can rewind our living memory and make it better than yesterday. Let yesterday be the history. Let us forget the yesterday. Let us fill our hearts today with love. I will always wait for the day to come because I believe God will do the best plans for you and I.

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